Virtual Small Group Master Plant Diet with Ajo Sacha - Led by Kat Courtney


Begins Monday February 17th 2025 at 8 am PT / 11 am ET / 5 pm CET

3 week Master Plant Diet with 1 week integration

Meetings every Monday through March 17th, 2025

Master Plant Diet Summary

At PMP, we call Master Plant Dietas a marriage between a human and plant spirit. They are so immensely special, as they can transform our lives, heal our disconnect from nature, and introduce us to a life long ally. They are also accessible to people from all walks of life. This adventure is a social dieta, which means it is interwoven into the fabric of our everyday lives. These are not easy experiences, but they are immensely rewarding!

Shamanic guide Kat Courtney will lead an intimate group of brave beings in this 1 month exploration of sensitive, awakening, subconsciously illuminating Ajo Sacha! This gentle yet powerful plant spirit is an extremely special and revered member of the Amazonian plant tribe. Ajo is famous for their capacity to completely cleanse and purify both the digestive system/physical body (even healing colds, flus, and congestion), as well as the energetic body. The shamans of the Amazon often prescribe an Ajo Sacha diet to people dedicated to the shamanic path, as Ajo is an irreplaceable ally in connecting to and awakening our own unique medicine and superpowers.

Ajo Sacha is a plant of magic. They embody both masculine and feminine vibrations, and help us humans come into a similar balance. Ajo illuminates the subconscious, and is therefore a delightful dreaming partner. In addiction, Ajo Sacha cleanses negative energies, entities, thought patterns, and other heaviness, allowing us to perceive the intangible space with loads more clarity. Ajo is enormously strengthening, and can even help cultivate more self love and self confidence.

In this dieta, we will work primarily with dried and crushed leaves (suggested sources provided to all those who register), which is a gentler form of the plant for the body, and easy to procure outside of the jungle. If you have access to fresh or dried root or bark, that is welcome too, but with more strict protocol. Ajo Sacha does not require complete isolation, but it is advised to have at least some time in the dieta period to be alone so you can really connect with the powerful teachings and transmissions. But you are free to live your life as normal, and Ajo Sacha will be there as a partner and guide.

Here’s how the process will work: Beginning on or around Monday, February 17th, Kat will schedule individual dieta openings with each participant, which happens through the power of song + intention. Then on Feb 17th, and the 4 Mondays after, Kat and the crew will meet on Zoom to share the magic of what is unfolding. This allows us to learn as much from each other as we are from our sacred plant teacher.

We will provide a protocol document outlining for food instructions and specific details on how to work with Ajo Sacha as well. In addition to only eating clean, organic, simple foods, we will all abstain from sexual activities, media, dark energies, and other distractions for the duration of the 3 weeks, and each Monday at 8 am PT / 11 am ET we will meet on Zoom to connect, share stories, and learn more about the gifts Ajo has to offer through our vulnerable shares. Kat will hold the diets for all participants, checking in on the connection and listening for messages each morning and night. She will be also be available throughout the process for spontaneous support as needed, because we intend to go deep with this adventure! Diets will be closed individually on or around March 10th. (Closing days/times are personalized for each participant.)

For more information about this transformative shamanic process, email us and ask anything here, or via our Contact Us page.

Schedule and Registration

Dieta begins Monday, February 17th, 2025 at 8 am PT / 11 am ET / 5 pm CET

The Diet itself lasts 3 weeks total, with an additional session 1 week later for integration

Class schedule - all on Zoom:

Monday February 17th - Dieta opens (90 mins)

Monday February 24th - First session during dieta (90 mins)

Monday March 3rd - Second session during dieta (90 mins)

Monday March 10th - Dieta closes (90 mins)

Monday March 17th - Integration session (90 mins)

Cost for 1 month workshop: $499

Limited Space Available

Feel free to reach out with any questions too or to request a more detailed payment plan! Email us here and we will do all we can to make this accessible if you need it.

P.S. The next group Master Plant Diet will be with shadow-dancing, master healer, consciousness queen CANNABIS!


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