Master Plant Dietas Demystified

Master plant dietas have been a tradition for tribes such as the Shipibo-Conibo and Mestizo in the Amazon jungle of Peru for centuries. A dieta (or diet) is a process undertaken by us (humans) to connect with a plant’s consciousness and spirit. Yes, plants are conscious and sentient, and yes, we can connect. A dieta traditionally consists of the dietero (dieter) undertaking mental, physical, and spiritual purification along with strict diet or fasting, isolation, and consuming the plant(s) with whom the connection is made in order for the plant to transmit guidance, sacred knowledge, and healing. In many ways, a master plant dieta is like a marriage between the human and plant spirits, held in a sacred container by the shaman allowing for a profoundly deep and healing connection.

All plants have different characters, strengths, and healing properties (aka superpowers). Some plants, however, have the distinction of being called “Master Plant Teacher” due to the depth of their teachings and the power or knowledge that they choose to teach mankind.

Just a few examples of sacred master plants are:

Mapacho (jungle tobacco), Ayahuasca, Coca, Huachuma, Ajo Sacha, Bobinsana, Chiric Sananga, Rose, Lavender, Dandelion, Passionflower, Remo Caspi, and MANY MORE :)

For those who are on the path to either becoming a shamanic practitioner or who are deeply committed to working with plant consciousness in order to expand their own, master plant dietas are a central part of their path. It takes discipline, dedication, and a willingness to work with our shadow to navigate the wonders of these dietas. Described below are two different ways of embarking on a master plant dieta.

APRIL 2024

Merge with the the Queen of Hearts! A remote, small group Master Plant Dieta with the mother of the divine feminine.

Cacao Master Plant Dieta


Experience the ancient shamanic process of a Master Plant Dieta with empowering, embodying, vitality-awakening CACAO!


Traditional Isolated Master Plant Dietas

An isolated master plant dieta in the traditional way involves being isolated and immersed in the jungle or wilderness, with guidance provided by a shaman, along with the selected master plant to merge with. As the dietero, our only job is to be with the plant and ourselves and be willing to completely let go of the outside world. The duration of dietas vary depending on the purpose and plants to be dieted, but in general are at least one week. A strict, bland diet will be followed for the duration—usually just one meal a day consisting of foods such as boiled yucca, quinoa, and vegetables. The diet removes the distraction of food as well as lightens the body, allowing us to become sensitive enough to receive the connection to spirit. Sexual abstinence is also an important part of the dieta; the relationship in the spotlight is between us and the plant and no one else (including our self). 

Often, the dieta is opened during an Ayahuasca ceremony in order to establish the connection with the plant spirit, but it is not a requirement. The shaman will call in the plant spirit with their intention, icaros (songs that come from the plants themselves to the shamans), and energy work. After the dieta is open, the dietero will spend each day alone in nature to meditate, contemplate, and open up to receive the teachings. Usually, a tea made from the plant is brought in the mornings and evenings to drink; each plant has different rules in regard to how frequently it can be consumed due to varying levels of potency and/or toxicity. The dieta may also be closed with an Ayahuasca ceremony, and specific dietary restrictions may be prescribed by the shaman to properly seal the connection and break the dieta. 

Isolated dietas are indescribably powerful. The dietero has the opportunity to transform radically on every level. The teachings imparted by the plants happen on a cellular level and provide the opportunity for significant healing. The opportunity to fully unplug from all electronics and the totality of our normal lives in and of itself is profound; now add the all-in experience of merging consciousness with a sacred master plant within the context of ancient shamanic teachings. Sprinkle in the joy of silence and stillness, the safe container in which we can let go completely, and our reconnection with the spirit of the Earth… the setting is ripe for massive transformational experiences to be had on every level.

MAY 2024

A virtual adventure with playful, alchemizing, cosmically connected Dandelion; He heals the liver and reconnects us with our inner child.

In Person Master Plant Dieta and Plant Medicine Retreat

May 24th - June 1st 2025 COSTA RICA

Merge your spirit with a personally selected Master Plant teacher in this traditional, indigenous-led, extremely safe and powerful Plant Medicine retreat.


Social Master Plant Dietas

Social master plant dietas (also known as dieta suave = soft diet) are fundamentally the same as a traditional isolated dieta in terms of commitment and intention but are instead undertaken within the context of our regular daily lives in our home environment that may also include family, relationships, and work (without extraneous social activities, shopping, etc.) This type of dieta introduces its own unique challenge: we must navigate the flow of our life while consistently nurturing and prioritizing the relationship and connection with our plant. The same protocols for dieta will apply regarding eating less and bland food, sexual abstinence, and recreation activities. However, social dietas are typically longer in duration—at minimum two to four weeks or longer—since we are not in isolation to allow more time to create the connection and receive the benefits.  

Social dietas are also administered under the guidance of a shaman, either remotely or in person. They will open the dieta—with or without Ayahuasca—to establish the connection. Again, it is not necessary to participate in an Ayahuasca ceremony to establish the connection with the master plant; the relationship with a plant spirit is available however we connect. Once the dieta has been opened, a tea is made from the plant and consumed every morning and evening at a minimum, with as much time as possible spent alone to connect and meditate.  It is a significant experience to merge with a plant’s consciousness while dealing with the demands of daily life, and the rewards can be lifechanging. As social dietas are typically less intense than traditional isolated dietas in the jungle, they can be gentler on your body, mind, and spirit. This experience allows for the observation and appreciation of more subtle and profound expansions of consciousness, all the while being in the comfort of our own surroundings.

July 5th-13th, 2024


Work with a personally selected Jungle Master in the safest, most luxurious and transformative container.

Mistletoe Master Plant Dieta


A 1-month virtual dieta adventure between Thanksgiving and Christmas, featuring the festive, love-filled, incredible medicine of Mistletoe.